
Posted: 27th February 2015 by Rom$ in Uncategorized

Ok if there was 20 things I wanted to do when I was older it would be

1. Get a wife.

2. Have a car.

3.Have good friends.

4.Have two kids.

5. Be a famous artist.

6. Go to a good college.

7. Live in any place not in Alaska.

8. Have a beautiful house.

9. Have a girl saint bernard.

10. To be strong.

11. Have all of the AMC Walking Dead series.

12. Traveled around the world.

13. Finish the Cique Du Freak series.

14. Be nice.

15. Make a lot of money.

16. Get a tan

17. Have a pool/hot tub.


Ps. I will have to get back to you on that